The Ex-Files

Question. Why does the ex always try to come back after the relationship is over? The saying, "You never realize a good thing until it's gone" is cliche, but so very true! I understand that it's hard to dust yourself off and get back into the dating game, especially when your used to a person. They know you, you know them, it's your comfort zone. I get it! We've all had sex with the ex.

What get's me, is when my ex calls months after the break up and says he misses me and has to see me right away. Uhhh, really?! I don't think so homey.  If we'd been friends, or had an amicable break up it would be cool. But I haven't heard from you or talked to you in months,  and if my memory serves me correctly you treated me like crap and didn't appreciate me. You knew I loved flowers, but you never bought me a single one! You claimed you didn't buy them for anyone not even your own mother, well guess what? I'm not your freakin mother!

Did you expect me to drop everything and come running to you after all this time? Your pea sized brain finally realized I was the best thing that ever happened to you. After dating other women you now realize they pale in comparison to me. The break up crushed me, but it didn't break me. Time heals all wounds, and I can buy my own damn flowers! Did you really think I was sitting around waiting for your lying, cheating, unable to communicate, and treat me like the queen that I am ass? Come on son!

In the wonderful words of Bey:

"If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it!"

This is not male bashing, it's fact stating and if my statements stung a little then maybe you need to step your game up. I'm just sayin.