The L Word Part I

With this Sunday being V-day I thought I'd focus on the L word and what it means in 2010. When I say the L word I mean LOVE. I told a friend my idea and you would have thought I cursed at her. She gave me an evil look and I swear she hissed at me. I could be wrong because I was on my third drink by this time but I'm pretty sure she hissed or gagged. I digress, let's take a look at what Webster has to say about it.

love \'lev\ n 1: strong affection 2: warm attachment 3: attachment based on sexual desire 4 : To CHERISH 5: to feel a passion, devotion, or tenderness for, cares

This love thing sounds wonderful doesn't it? If only the dictionary gave you tips on how to tell when love was really the big bad wolf disguised as your dear sweet granny, just waiting for you to let your guards down so he can devour you whole! I talked to a group of my single friends about love in the twenty first century, and it seems the general consensus is their running away from cupid and his acid laced bows instead of running toward him. Movies make you want to find love and never ever let it go like a magical money tree that produces fresh one hundred dollar bills everyday.

But real love now that's another story. For example my friend Kerry (not her real name but it'll do) met a guy last winter. He's thirty something, said he was single, owned his own home, works for a substantial accounting firm, and he looks hella good (I'm from up north but I think I've been in the A long enough to say hella). On the first date he showed up with flowers, took her to a restaurant in Buckhead (for those of you that haven't visited Atlanta, it's an affluent part of town). He sounds like a good catch doesn't he. Dates 2 & 3 were just as nice and by date 4 they were inseparable. Literally, they did the do all weekend. She was hooked like a crack feen. By the summer it was official they were a couple. She was head over heels in love! Awww sounds so sweet doesn't? I know, I loveee love ;)

If only the story ended there, with a happy ending like books and movies. Do you think it will? Let's find out.....back to the story:

In September he told her he was going home (Cali) for a few weeks. She's never been so she came up with a great idea, she would join him. A nice first time vacation together, sounds good right?........Wrong! He said he wasn't sure how long he would be gone and he had business to take care of while he was there. Not sure what that meant but I knew for damn sure something wasn't right. A woman's intuition is usually on point, but I didn't say anything. As a friend sometimes you have to just be there, and keep quiet. Of course it stung her a little but she played it off told him to have a good time, and she would miss him(just like the good girlfriend that she was). After he left she hadn't heard from him in two days but she didn't want to bug him so she resisted calling or texting. She figured he was busy spending time with his friends and family. By the third day she sent a text telling him she was thinking of him and loved response!

By day four......STILL NO RESPONSE!

To be continued.......