Why Lie?

Being single can be tough, especially in the winter months. Not only is it cold but you have to endure, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and Valentine's Day without a significant other. I'm by no means a woman that needs a man to "complete" me, but let's be honest nobody wants to be alone. So back to my original statement it's tough being single, but it's even tougher being single in Atlanta! Don't get me wrong I like it here, the weather, the people, the energy it's a great city, but what I'm not fond of is the dating scene.  Not because of the ratio issue (there are about 7 women for every man). I meet men all the time, that's not the problem. The problem is the quality of men that I meet. Finding a good quality single man in Atlanta is like finding a needle in a haystack. 

I know men and women lie, it's in our nature to do so. Some do it to spare a loved one's feelings. Men, you know when your wife, who's gained a few pounds looks at you and ask if she looks fat in her knew dress and you say, "No, of course not baby." Or ladies, when your girlfriend ask, "Aren't my new orange and green walls beautiful?" And you lie and say, "Girl yes, I love it." Or when she ask if her hairless cat is gorgeous, and you force a smile and say, "Yes" when you know that thing looks like a skinned rat! I'm not talking about those kind of lies, those are itty bitty lies compared to what I'm referring to.

I met a guy last fall. He seemed perfect for me, tall 6"7 to be exact, attractive, nice teeth, he had a decent job, had his own place {with no roommate}, and he was single. After a few dates and realizing that we had insane chemistry I began spending the night at his place. I felt comfortable there, he always made me feel at home. One morning while getting dressed, after a phenomenal night together I couldn't find one of my boots.  I looked all over his room, in the closet, no boot. When I looked under the bed not only did I find my boot, but I found a pair of lime green and blue bedroom slippers, in a size 7. I wear an 8 so I knew they weren't mine, and he wears a size 14 so they couldn't belong to him. We weren't officially a couple, BUT we had discussed if we were seeing anyone else. According to our conversation we were both only seeing one another. After my discovery I realized, he lied.

 "Oh what a tangled web we weave,
                                               Once we practice to deceive."

To some people it's like what's the big deal? Men lie, that's what they do. "No man is only seeing one woman", is what a male friend told me. "Once he gets married he may stop, but if he's single he's seeing you and anywhere from one to three other women." My thing is even if that's true, couldn't he have been more discreet. I didn't want to see her slippers. It made me feel like I was creeping with someone else's man. I felt stupid, and I'd be lying if I didn't say it stung a little. We'd been kicking it for a few months so naturally I'd started catching feelings. I wasn't seeing anyone else because I enjoyed my time with him. We had good times together, great conversations, and the sex was amazing. When I saw those slippers it took away that lovey dovey feeling. I snapped back to reality, it didn't feel good.

When I confronted him about the slippers, his story changed. I knew then that I was dealing with a super duper liar. He originally told me he was single. Now he began explaining that "technically" he's single because he's not married but he has a girlfriend. Oh, and get this, he wants to continue seeing me. If I could be patient he will break-up with her and we will be a couple. Wow, lucky me! I guess I look like Boo-boo the damn fool! I kindly told him where he can go, how he can get there and what he can do once he gets there! What a humongous butt-hole.

I have a few single friends and unfortunately they meet more of the same, believe it or not some of their stories are worse. The thing is I know people lie and cheat. They've been doing it since the bible days. What I don't understand is why are they still lying about it. I would think by now we could be straight up or honest about the situation. Clearly there are people that don't care if a person is single or not. My thing is let me decide if I want to be down with O.P.P (for you youngsters that's Other Peoples Property). Let me know what I'm getting myself into. I guess in the mind of a cheater a lie is a small thing, and not a big deal at all. In my mind it's like spitting in my face and asking me to apologize to you. It's just wrong so please STOP!